Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

What would you do if you could do anything in this world? Imagine, you were given the ability to access all of the world’s possibilities and conquer all of life’s demands to where you had unlimited power to do what you desired. What would that look like? Would you spend your time, singing your heart out, or would you spend your days lazily fishing on the river? If money wasn’t an issues and all of your grueling obligations were out of the way what would you do with your time? If you are thinking of spending your time lying in bed while watching TV then maybe you do need that. Everyone needs a break and chance to unwind, letting their brain relax and rejuvenate. But you can’t spend the rest of the days of your life watching reality shows and laying around in your undies. After about day three it should get boring. Our bodies weren’t made to be idle forever. Our brains need to actively function and our joints need moving. But once your life is freed from all that kept you unsatisfyingly busy what are you to do?
What do you think about? What do you daydream about? Yes we all think about day long massages and naps on beaches but what else do you dream about? As a child I used to constantly daydream about an alternative lifestyle. In this life I was rich and famous, given the ability to sing like BeyoncĂ© and dance like Ciara. I was married to my celebrity crush and my alternative life was filled with mountain sized, drama filled events (hey, life isn’t fun if it doesn’t have its ups and downs). This life was exciting, fun exhilarating and definitely not realistic, really only the kind of shit you see on TV. For years that alternative life consumed me when I closed my eyes. I failed exams, shut people off and became so obsessed with this alternative life that as I grew older I feared that my life wouldn’t be normal because I was so infatuated with what I had created in my head. Near the end of my college career and after multiple failed relationships both romantic and platonic, I concluded that I had an issue. With the help of my Psychology degree, I had self-diagnosed myself with Avoidant personality disorder. My main symptoms were being standoffish towards people and BAM! The presence of living in a fantasy world. I had friends, success and love all in my head, who needed real people?
I was too afraid to actually tell someone what went on in my head in fear that they would think that I was crazier than they had already assumed so I remained silent. Even so afraid of judgement that I struggled to pray about it. I was afraid to talk to my God about something he already knew, I was messed up. But anyway, fast forward to my period of idleness. I had recently graduated, took a trip across the world and was broke. To those in college now I urge you to start looking for a job now! And change your major as well, your parents and friends are living their own life not yours. They aren’t going to be there on your deathbed saying Oh I wish I studied dance instead of Chemistry like my mom told me to do.  This is your life and not theirs, if they have their regrets and reservations about life then oh the fuck well. That’s not your problem. We are made to live life to the fullest and go whatever direction God has given us, not what your parents say. Of course you will mess up, that’s life. But at least you can say you tired it. At least you can say that you gave it your all. It’s better to hear a story about someone who fell off their bike and broke their arm over the story of you never learning how to ride a bike because you were too scared. Or that you were too broke to afford one. You see that bike lying on the ground outside? Don’t be scared give it a spin around the block. I did, literally and it was so much fun. Moral to the story was that I ended up breaking the bike but I retuned in time to return it back to its place and run away like hell. See that was a better story then me saying I saw it and wanted to ride it but was too scared. Take chances and if they seem just out of reach, then jump or cut the line to get there, that is if you really want what you dream about.
But again I digress. After college I found myself jobless, broke, and bored. Lying in bed was fun for about a week but then I got antsy. So with nothing to do and no one holding expectations to me, I decided to do what I wanted to do. My alternative lifestyle haunted me more than ever while I was continuously idle. Too afraid to tell someone about my problem and not under the impression that I was that crazy enough for professional help I decided to write this life down. Instantly the daydreaming stopped as I began to let it pour out onto my laptop. Actually seeing my ideas written down gave me such a great feeling of relief and accomplishment that when I finally did get a job of working, all I wanted to do was to write. My mind had shifted from constantly being in LaLa Land, to constantly thinking about writing this life down. I was able to separate myself from my fantasy self and live a normal life with healthy relationships. By acting on what my mind constantly dreamt about I was able to create the most meaningful thing that I had ever created to date 6/29/2015 and that was my first novel; StarPower.
What I am trying to say with my story is that you should do what you dream about. No I am not a super star singer but my main character Zena is in my book StarPower (shameless plug). I was able to turn what consumed me into something positive. Even if no one reads it (although I really hope you do), I will now be able to say that I did something I liked, I enjoyed, I took a chance on. Something that the people around me did not expect and think im crazy for. But I was able to take a chance on life and do something not surrounded my money, although I wish it to be successful but something my heart desired. What you do doesn’t have to be seen by the masses to be wonderful as long as you can say that you did what your heart desired then that’s all that mattered. God sees it all. Forget what other people think, for they will forever be in their own little bubble not doing what their heart desires. They won’t be with you on that death bed. But you will and your regrets as well if you don’t follow your heart and live to the fullest. Listen to Drake, and live your life. YOLO! (That stands for you only live once for those of you out of the loop.)
Take that chance, love that person, say what you want and give it your all. At least you can say you tried.
Blessing with all your heart desires
-Tiffany Li

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